Wandering through Regina.

By   May 1, 2014

Back in the late 70’s and up to at least 1983 you could walk around the small CN yard in western Regina pretty much unimpeded.  Of course needles paranoia took hold later on, costing us a trillion dollars, and solving nothing.  So this is back to that time and place again to pay small homage to the upcoming Rapido release.  One is mine so don’t touch.

This is my ‘narrow shelf layout’ prairie scene. Notice how I have the gravel road narrowing to a point somewhere on the horizon.  Notice how I planted some greenery at the edges of the road to highlight the effects of run off.  Do you like the backdrop?  The cross buck on a jaunty angle?  You can do it.

The mix of tall wild grass in the wet area at the bottom of the hill (at the far right) is pretty easy to get right but those September fields of grain are difficult to replicate in HO scale.  Never saw a really great job on that.  N scale yes.  Larger scales?  No.


1045 had taken on a new paint job sometime before I left Moose Jaw in ’83 and I have much better pictures of her all dressed up and shining like a new dime but this is still my favourate.  I wish I had been able to use a better camera at that time but this foreshadows those cell phone pictures 30 years down the road.