Albert Canyon Part 2 – First Thing in the Morning – 2

By   April 30, 2015

In Part 1 of this visit I spoke about the small bridges that crossed a steam that emptied into the Illecillewaet River just a few hundred meters away.   This scene is looking east. The tracks off in the distance turn north and then quickly east again towards Glacier and on up to Rogers Pass.

These may not be the Rockies but they’re not the Okanagan either.   Some snow stayed behind up there even in late summer. The stream at my feet was glacier fed and felt like it. Heavy power and telephone lines were draped on both sides of the tracks having found their way through the pass with the trains.


On the left is a heavy wooden road bridge. No telling how long that’s been there but I expect it’s been a long while. Even in the early pusher days there were large gravel pits farther down the track behind the photographer so access would have been needed even by horse and wagon.

The steel plate bridge next to the road looks like the newest bridge. Perhaps it replaced the one original structure as this roadbed is on the original right-of-way. At least judging by the station location. The concrete footings on the second bridge are ancient and look in need of repair or replacement. Given the heavy traffic on this line, looks are deceiving.

The little footbridge on the far right is even more precarious. I was reluctant to step out over the loose, bent and twisted beams that sort of supported the far end. I chose to walk the tracks, as I’m sure others did before me.

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